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Understanding where honey comes from and the process involved bridges the gap between our hives and your table.

We knew nothing (or very little but truthfully, almost nothing) about bees when we began our beekeeping adventure.  There were numerous people who shared their knowledge and answered our questions and believe me, there were a lot of questions.  To put this into perspective, one gentleman started charging Kevin for every phone call he made! I trust this paints a clear enough picture.  And we read, and researched and learned as we went along. 

One thing that we value significantly at Prairie Field Honey is the opportunity to share what we’ve learned over the years.  We allocate a good chunk of time every fall to host school tours and educate young students about how the beekeeping farm works, but we also desire to ignite a curiosity about where their food comes from.  These are a highlight for sure! 

We also participate in community events like ‘Discover the Farms’ and ‘Food Farm’, the latter of which is an initiative sponsored by Agriculture in the Classroom.  We’ve hosted many groups through our extraction shop: the Abilities Centre, the Red Hat Society, Riverview Estates, Matthew’s grade 8 science class (now that was fun), long lost relatives wandering through town, the Nightjar Diner staff, Boy Scouts, the 55+ Seniors Group, wannabe beekeepers, and many friends who simply want to know how we spend our time.  Please contact us if you would like to come for a tour or if you’d like us to come to you.

Ready to book a visit for your group or school?